Working Time : 08:00AM - 11:00PM

    Customer Service: 02033711141

    Availability Hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm
    (Monday to Friday)

Opening Time :Working Time : 08:00AM - 9:00PM
  • 954-462-1006

    London's Office



Terms & Conditions

On Time Courier

This is a summary of our terms and conditions and is only intended for instructional purposes. Our agreement with you is laid down in the following complete terms and conditions.

Responsibility of the Customer

This section lays out what the customer needs to do and should not do to allow us to do the Services. The main obligations of the customer are not to send anything that our site has listed as unacceptable for carriage, i.e, any stuff that it illegal, or is too heavy or too big.

The customer must make sure that the parcels are properly labelled and packed. To pay the right amount the customer needs to make sure that he/she is aware of the right weight of the parcel.

The customer must also keep in mind not to send more than fifteen parcels at one instance unless the company has agreed to a higher number in advance. The customer should also not operate more than one OnTimeCourier account as each customer should use just one account for our services. The company reserves the right to charge its customers certain Additional Expenses and administration fees if the customer does not meet his/her responsibilities.



The customer has to pay the company’s fees, any appropriate administration fees due and repay the company any duty/taxes or other unexpected expenses that we incur when providing your parcel and the company reserves to destroy the customer’s parcel if he does not.

OnTimeCourier might charge the customer a £25 administration fee and any additional expenses that the company might incur if the customer violates any of our terms and conditions, in relation to any other rights that we have.

Limits of our responsibilities

If the customer does not take out our Full Cover for a Parcel that is not a Post Refund Only Product, we will only be liable to pay the lesser of £20 or the price of repair if we harm your Parcel, or the value of the Parcel that is lost or damaged then we will refund your fees.

If you remove our full cover, our liability will be limited to the lesser of £300 or repair/replacement costs if we harm or lose your parcel and we will repay your charges.

Where the customer submits an Order for a Parcel that is a Postage Refund Only Product, OnTimeCourier’s liability for Loss or Damage or Late Delivery is limited to the Charges paid by the customer for the Postage Refund Only Product.


How to make compensation claims

If the customer thinks that the company has harmed their goods, he/she must notify us within 28 days of the date of the order and complete the form of claim that our company OnTimeCourier provides. We may ask you to provide proof to support your claim for compensation.


Proof of Delivery

If we have the Recipient’s signature, or a neighbor’s signature, or a drop card number if the Parcel has been left in a Safe Place, or a Safe Place Photo, or if the Geolocation’s monitoring information is available, we will have proven that we have made a delivery.

The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.”